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Money Market Account

Money Market Account

Your Earnings!


4.00% APY

with our

Platinum Money Market

offer for new deposits*

Jar of Money

Contact one of our personal bankers to discuss opening a money market account.

  • New accounts must be funded with a minimum of $10,000 at Centrust Bank N.A.

  • Visit us to open the account today

  • Offer may be rescinded at any time.

Money Market Account

A money market account is essentially a hybrid between a checking and savings account. It lets you write checks each month and make debit purchases. And your money will earn a higher interest rate in a money market than it will in a checking or savings account. This is an interest bearing account which compounds daily on the available balance. 

Business Money Market Account

An interest bearing account which compounds daily on the available balance.

* The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on the Platinum Money Market Account is based on the following balances:  APY of 4.00% on balances of $10,000 and more.  Interest compounded and paid monthly. A monthly fee of $25 will be assessed if the minimum daily balance falls below $10,000. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. Interest rates and APY may change at any time without notice at the Bank’s discretion. We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on the account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. Accounts closed before the interest payment date will not earn accrued interest for that period. See Deposit Account Agreement and Disclosures for additional terms. New deposits only are defined as not currently on deposit with Centrust Bank.

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